This is a little blog of my sketches, drawings, dresses and other items I've designed and constructed, videos I've made, photographs I've taken and manipulated, various projects I've worked on, as well as other separate things that I really like!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Pink and Blue :)

I love this skirt (Forever 21) because it looks like a little Alice in Wonderland skirt. I like how the beige overlay looks like an apron almost. The top is from Urban Outfitters. Also, this makeup book, Pretty is soo good! It shows famous icons from movies and then how to do your makeup like them; and it was written by Nylon Magazine!!
I am also so in love with these colors.


  1. Awesome! You covered two of my favorite things- Alice in Wonderland and Urban Outfitters! You have a fabulous blog :)

  2. Thank you !!:) i love alice in wonderland too!!!
